Thursday, December 13, 2012

Letter to You Whom have been Left Behind

The US Government and others around the world are now doing their best to explain how thousands of people have mysteriously disappeared. They are attempting to show that there is a scientific solution. However, I assure you that what has happened is one hundred percent spiritual.
You have read and witnessed that planes have crashed, multiple car pileups on freeways, moving vehicles abandoned while in operation, men’s hearts have failed because they are frightened to death. Husbands, wives, friends, and children are gone without notice. This is not due to aliens snatching humans as some physicists may have moved toward as an explanation. So, what did just happen, and where is everyone? Every born-again person who had an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ has been lifted away in a twinkling of an eye known to him or her as the Rapture. See the scripture below from God’s Holy Bible.
But let me tell you a wonderful secret God has revealed to us.
Not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed.

It will happen in a moment, in the blinking of an eye
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 - Holy Bible (NLT)

Jesus also warned us in Luke 21:36
Keep awake then and watch at all time [be discreet, attentive, and ready], praying that you may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things [taken together] that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.
Luke 21:36
What you have witnessed and no other than God himself can reproduce was the rapture of people that intimately called Jesus Christ their personal savior. They prayed and worshipped God and Jesus daily. However, God and Jesus have provided you an opportunity to still live in eternity.

To be frank, you are now plunging into the most darkening of earth’s days, darker than the so-called Dark Ages. The spirit of God has lifted and he is allowing Satan (Once an Arch Angel) to take over the earth. There will be much evilness; God will have banned Satan from access to the heavens. Satan will now only roam the earth, and as a man who will take leadership of the world as the Antichrist. This man, the Antichrist, will have two reasons for living--to kill those who trust in God, and to have the rest bow down in worship before him. For your eternal future and everything else you hold sacred, please do not become a part of the Antichrist group.
The Antichrist will make his arrival by signing a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. From the time of this signing, you can determine the physical coming of Jesus Christ at 2,520 days (seven biblical years). Halfway through this covenant the Antichrist will declare himself God, instigating a series of judgments similar to those used by Moses to free the people of Israel from Egypt.
What will come next for you? Soon, if not already in place, the Government will make it law that all people accept a microchip in his/her hand or forehead. The microchip has been developed and scientifically named RFID666 at the writing of this letter. This is the mark of the beast They will most likely give it world-friendly name and the government will claim that it will assist with electronic health records, banking, and finance information to name a few. Eventually, you will not be able to buy or purchase anything without the mark/microchip. There will be checkpoints on roadways and authorities will be able to determine electronically if an approaching person has the electronic chip or not. All these facts are clearly know at the writing of this letter. If you do not have the electronic chip you will be taken in for questioning, or simply arrested, and taken to concentration camps. At the writing of this letter, concentration camps already exist. If you are able to go underground and escape the government know that life will get tough. No matter what, no matter the torture or lives being held over you--DO NOT ACCEPT THIS MARK! To do so damns you to a hell, eternal torment, and separation from God and everything else that is good. It is always better to lose your life than your soul. The last sentence may sound like it was written loosely, but I assure you it is true.
Also, he (the Antichrist) compels all [alike], both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked with inscription [stamped] on their right hands or on their foreheads. So that no one will have power to buy or sell unless he bears the stamp (mark, inscription), [that is] the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Revelations 13:16-17
Also, read Revelations chapter 14:9-10

First things first, Repent of your sins and change from the current path you are on. Read John 3:16 and ask Jesus to become the Lord of your life and believe that he is God’s Son and he rose from the dead.
Second, collect all the bibles you can and hide them. Keep them in multiple places and keep one for you to read. Hide them like you are in the days of Anne Frank (Amsterdam in WW II). Government officials will eventually come looking to rid the earth of all Holy Bibles as they transform all the religions into one world religion. Go to extreme to hide them, under floors, in ceilings, metal fireproof boxes, and tell no one where you have hidden them. Friends, neighbors, and family will turn you over to authorities for keeping such books. Read Micah chapter 7. Michah advises whom to trust. Take to heart whom you trust, and only trust believers of Jesus Christ. How will you know who is a believer? Look at their fruits they produce, and their actions.
Third, find a local church, one that you can easily walk to as driving will soon be a privilege of those with the Mark. Pray that the Pastor and others there believe that the Rapture has just taken place. Again, be very careful whom you trust. Those without the Mark, that cannot buy or sell, is a plan by Satan to root you out like a rat or small animal in hiding. You will see those that have the Mark eating, drinking, and having normal privileges and you will want what they have. Do not give into this lie, as you will be damned to eternal hell.

All of this is in the Book of Revelation--read it! If you do not have one, I recommend you buy a Bible before they become outlawed. I also recommend you buy a water purifier, lots of canned goods and everything else you'll need in the coming years to sustain yourself and fellow believers. There will be underground groups of believers. You will have to look hard, ask Jesus to guide you and help you find them.

God does not hate you. Unbelievably, he loves you. He is a merciful God and now you have a second chance. Everything that has happened was predesigned when the earth was formed, with the rotation of the stars like the ticking of a clock. Again, repent of your sins. They will be forgiven, large or small, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.

And watch the sky, Jesus and all the heavenly beings will be coming back in the physical to concur Satan. 
Steps that you should take that will help you.
1. Repent (turn away from sin and toward God for help) and Pray the "Salvation Prayer" for Jesus to come and dwell in your Heart and become a "Born Again" Christian.
2. Pray unceasingly for God to protect you and direct all aspects of your new Christian life. Remember, only God's will for your life really matters now. You will need to stand strong for Jesus through many trials. This is but a short time of trial compared to eternity. Jesus will be back to rule the earth in less than 7 years.

3. Read your Bible daily and as often as possible, especially the New Testament.

4. Find a Local Bible-Based, Evangelical, Non-Denominational Church and find others seeking Jesus. Stand Strong for Jesus knowing God is with you, in control and victorious.

5. Discuss the Bible with your new local church family to gain insight and encouragement.

6. Watch the Movie "The Passion of the Christ" to learn how Jesus Christ died in your place personally, so you can be with him in heaven one day, forever.

7. Pay attention to the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

8. Pay close attention to and follow the 144,000 Jewish Evangelicals that are calling people throughout the world to Christ.

9. Prepare the best you can for about half the world's population to die from war, famine, disease, and natural disasters.

10. Make sure your Local Christ-Centered Church has a plan to get you to an "Emergency Shelter" locally.

12. Watch the Movie "Six, The Mark Unleashed" released in 2004 and staring Stephen Baldwin for understanding of the coming times for Christians. This will give you insight.

13. Keep a Low Profile. Christians (Tribulation Saints) will begin to be persecuted by the New World Order and its Leader, Anti-Christ, about 2 years into the 7-year Tribulation.

14. Prepare to survive without buying or selling.

15. Prepare to see the Jewish people persecuted beginning about 3 1/2 years into the 7 year Tribulation. Passionately pray for and help the Jews (God's Chosen People) any way you can. Remember you as a Christian are an adopted Jew to God (through Jesus), so the Jews and Christians are family.

16. Do not take any "Mark" of this world on your forehead or hand to enable you to buy and sell.

17. Read books about Revelations and Daniel. Doing this will help you understand these books. Also, read the "Left Behind" book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins for a general outline of what the next 7 years known as the Tribulation might be like (based primarily on the books of Daniel and Revelation in the Bible).


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